
Listen to our vineyard soundscape made in collaboration with Synergy Sound.

For this year’s rosé label, we asked Angela Groves & Paul Fisher from Bristol-based Synergy Sound to help us create a soundscape for the vineyard in Somerset.

The soundscape is an audio representation of the wonderful sounds we hear in our Somerset vineyard across the growing season from winter, spring, summer and autumn. We’ve deliberately chosen this order because for us, harvest signifies the end of the year. Once the grapes are safely picked and in the winery tanks, we feel a great sense of relief and of having a start afresh with a blank slate as we begin prepping for the following years growing season… it’s a great feeling!

Thanks also to RSPB volunteer Pete Allen for his birding advice with this project.

Sounds to listen out for include…

  • People harvesting the grapes in the vineyard

  • Marshall Clements the neighbouring farmer calling in the sheep or cattle

  • Planes taking off from Bristol Airport

  • Cars

  • Voles (an sometimes hear a loud squeak on a quiet winter day)

  • Fly the vineyard dog barking

  • Hedgecutting

  • Haymaking tractors

  • The snip snip of pruning in winter

Bird list:

  • 0s: Blackbird alarm duetting

    1s: Crow and robin Winter song straight after

    2s: Black headed gull

    4s: Redwing seep contact call

    7s: Fieldfare chack chack chacking

    8s: Redwings and fieldfares join to make a large flock

    10s: Starlings join the flock

    13s: Large groups of Corvids roost together for the winter mainly crows rooks and jackdaws

    18s: Plane comes into land at Bristol Airport

  • 22s: Rooks waking up at dawn

    22s: Blackbird singing

    24s: Dunnock singing in the hedgerow

    25s: Great tit singing the teacher teacher song

    27s: Green wookpecker yaffle

    30s: Blue tit singing

    31s: Sheep arrive with the farmer

    42s: Blackbird singing

    44s: Wren singing

    46s: Song thrush singing

    51s: Blue tit singing

    52s: Song thrush singing

    53s: Greenfinch in background

  • 56s: Bees buzzing in the vineyard

    58s: Yellowhammer singing..."A little bit of bread and some cheeeeese"

    1m 0s: Swallows chatter as they feed on insects in the vineyard

    1m 2s: Plane flys overhead

    1m 5s: Yellowhammer singing..."A little bit of bread and some cheeeeese"

    1m 6s: Fly barking and then panting

    1m 10s: Robin Summer song

    1m 11s: Tractor passes by

  • 1m 14rs: Jacdaws calling

    1m 15s: Goldfinches

    1m 16s: Crows cawing

    1m 17s: Blue tits start to group as it gets colder

    1m 22s: Robin singing an Autumn song

    1m 23s: Wood pigeon calls..."My toe isss bleeeeding, my toe isss bleeding"

    1m 23s: Families arrive to help pick the grapes

    1m 26s: ****** drives by on his quad bike

    1m 35s: Bottle of wine is opened as the party starts 😉